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Histogram method of measuring extrinsic mutual information

Hey all, I recently came up with a way of streamlining the histrogram method of measuring extrinsic mutual information for plotting in an EXIT chart. I have incorporated this method into my RobProb code which is available on the group CVS - you can find out more about RobProb here. Unlike other EXIT chart code that is available within the group, the RobProb code automatically picks appropriate sizes for the histrogram bins, removing the need to do this manually. Furthermore, the bin sizes that are chosen in this manner are optimized for the particular extrinsic mutual information variance observed, so they will typically result in a more accurate measurement than if arbitrary bin sizes were chosen. The histrogram method of measuring extrinsic mutual information can be more accurate than the mathematic method if used to characterise a decoder that is not a true APP decoder, such as if the MaxLogMAP, LogMAP, T-BCJR or M-BCJR algorithm is employed.

Take care, Rob.

